Monday, July 17, 2017

hope, change, history et present, barack obama
republican presidential november 9, 2011
the greatest speeches et moments vol 4
the 1960 presidential debate jfk, richard m nixon
presidential debate 2016 hillary clinton, donald trump
the greatest speeches of all time
lincoln's speeches
fredrick douglas, ossie et ruby davis
there were a lot of idi amin s, ted bundy s, charles mason s back than, huh?....i really dont think i'm over reacting with i say that, here in the usa, it is tryn so hard to bring that horrid pathetic sickness  back....yea it is tryn so hard, just a year or ago (8/2016), some1 in washington, dc prose a question.."should we let certain people vote?" or was it "should certain people be able to vote".....